Telehealth for Corona Virus
Our telehealth solutions for COVID-19 are designed to be modular and scalable, so they can be quickly deployed and easily adapted to your specific clinical needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and grow with demand for services in the future.
How Telehealth Can Help the COVID-19 Epidemic
The benefits healthcare organizations have already seen from using telehealth solutions for COVID-19 care include:
- Protecting your medical providers so they can continue to deliver care.
- Load balancing physician’s time and expertise to increase the coverage area.
- Diagnosing and treating the sick patients in place, and decreasing exposure to other patients.

Streamline COVID-19 Test Result Notifications with our Direct Health portal
Direct Health is an online patient portal that automates the delivery of test results in real-time to patients. With 90% of test results being negative, Direct Health frees up your staff’s time exponentially, allowing them to focus on their daily clinical workload instead of spending hours on the phone giving results or status updates.

As an organization tasked with providing COVID-19 test results to patients, you are (or will be) overwhelmed with calls and patient requests for these results. Direct Health gives patients telehealth solutions for COVID-19 with a secure, easy way to get their results on their own, once they are available. Lab results are automatically uploaded to the portal through the FHIR and API integration.

Reach patients in their homes & safeguard healthcare workers with our direct-to-consumer app
Connect N’ Care® is a customizable telehealth app that allows healthcare providers to easily diagnose, treat and prescribe from the convenience of their mobile device or PC. Patients report their symptoms through our built-in evidence-based guidelines, then request a video conference with the provider for a more in-depth consultation.
How it works:
Providers: download the app or access the browser-based portal online, then specify the type of visit they are available for (call back, video, scheduled appointments, waiting room).
Patients: download the app, sign in to create an account, and then report symptoms and either get a callback, enter the virtual waiting room, or scheduled visit.

Clinical Encounter Telemedicine Platform
AGNES Connect® is AMD’s premiere software offering. This secure and encrypted cloud-based telemedicine platform enables remote clinical healthcare providers to capture and share medical device data, exchange documents and medical images in real-time, and participate in a live video conference – all in a single web-based platform.

This platform allows you to take live streaming images and data from integrated (connected) medical devices and stream it in real-time to the remote physician.
Screen and treat coronavirus patients with our rapidly deployable telemedicine kits
Effective COVID-19 screening and treatment requires the ability for a provider to lead the medical consultation remotely and see the patient’s clinical diagnostics in real-time – something that’s not always possible solely through phone or video conferencing.
Systems equipped with our AGNES Connect® encounter management platform allow for virtual visits with simultaneous live-streaming of a patient’s vitals, lung sounds, and medical images from connected medical devices. With telemedicine technology and specialty devices like the following, providers can make accurate and timely diagnoses: Interactive stethoscopes, vital signs monitors, and digital spirometers.

Deployable Telemedicine Kit

Virtual Visit Carts

Portable TeleClinic

Interactive Stethoscope

All-in-One Vital Signs Monitor
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