When it comes to utilizing telehealth, patients have on-demand options for care access that enable them to reduce transportation times and costs,...
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Best practices for telemedicine maintenance
Beyond making the decision to implement telemedicine solutions, you must be willing to put in the time and resources to maintain your telemedicine...
How your clinical staff can benefit from telemedicine
Technology is here to stay, and advancements will only continue to emerge across industries over the upcoming years. Specifically, health care...
Telemedicine-related New Year’s Resolutions
At the beginning of every year, millions of people set goals and come up with a resolution to better themselves. As a health care professional,...
4 conditions your clinic can tackle through telemedicine
Living with a debilitating disease can be overwhelming. Not only does it have an impact on overall wellness and longevity, but also the time, effort...
Telemedicine makes disaster preparedness much easier
With the number of natural disasters that occurred in 2017, governments, relief agencies, hospitals and other clinical facilities need to be more...
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