Tips for choosing the best telemedicine solution for your facility

by | Dec 27, 2018 | Blog

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But it’s not as simple as saying “sign me up” and calling it a day. There’s an evaluation process that needs to take place before you can begin integrating. If you’re ready to join the digital health world and try a virtual care option that makes sense, consider the following tips for choosing the best telemedicine solution for your facility:

Evaluate your current issues and look for the best solution

There’s a reason you’re interested in considering telemedicine in the first place. Perhaps your patients feel there’s an undeniable barrier to care based on their location. This can cause them to constantly cancel appointments or simply become a “no show” which can result in inefficient use of time, effort, funds and resources. Or, maybe your patients are going to alternative providers because they offer a more convenient way to receive care at their time of most need.

“Doing your research is a critical component of finding the best telehealth solution for your organization.”

Regardless of the underlying issues your facility may be dealing with, there is an overwhelming number of solutions out there, from small start-up companies with cool technologies to large organizations that have added telemedicine to their portfolio of products.

Obviously doing your research is a critical component of finding the best telehealth solution for your organization. So here are some questions to ask yourself to help define your research efforts:

  • How will telehealth fit into the business goals of my organization?
  • What are the current clinical challenges I’m trying to address with telehealth?
  • How do I plan on leveraging telehealth to retain and gain new patients?

Find something that ensures a steady workflow

While telemedicine was created to make your staff members and patients lives’ easier, there’s going to be some initial uncertainty and intimidation with telehealth, just as there would be with any other new feature in your organization. Educating all participating people on the telemedicine upgrade is vital, but choosing a solution that will ensure a steady workflow is necessary. Develop a strategy for teaching your staff and patients about the upgrade, and continue providing useful resources along the care journey so everyone remains on the same page for understanding virtual care.

Search for a partnership, not a vendor

You may be interested in a telemedicine option based on quality features and accessibility, but you also need to be thinking about the provider. Instead of searching for a vendor, it will pay off to find an organization that wants to create a collaborative partnership with you. From your initial interest in developing an efficient solution that is tailored to the specific needs of your organization, to supporting you through the implementation of your program, finding a vendor that works with you throughout the entire process makes a big difference in the success of your program.

At AMD, we understand the importance of developing strong partnerships for an effective telehealth experience. We pride ourselves in being the leading global telemedicine solutions, not just for creating telehealth solutions but also for treating our clients like partners, not customers.

For more information on  developing a partnership with AMD Global Telemedicine, contact us today.

Interested in learning more about telemedicine solutions? Don’t hesitate to reach out.

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