Southern Evals Testimonial

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Video Testimonials

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Taylor Cattano, CEO of Southern Evals.
So Southern Evals was contacted by the Louisiana Virtual Medicine Alliance to roll out their statewide telehealth grant project aimed at getting telehealth hardware and software in schools rural health clinics and nursing homes. The challenge we were trying to counteract was access to care. There’s a lot of rural areas in Louisiana where the kids at these schools or the community don’t have access to health care and we use AMD telehealth technology to give those clinics those schools those access points so that they can use that technology to receive health care.
One of the biggest challenges in the beginning of this project was finding a reputable, easy to use technology solution for our telehealth platform. We knew that in rural Louisiana it was going to take something that was user-friendly and easily functional to make sure that this was something that they would either move forward with or utilize on a day-to-day basis. So as we did our research, AMD was the top vendor that we saw could do all those things.
As we grew the relationship, they were able to answer our questions help us whenever we had any challenges and now today shoot up to 40 clinics and 60 schools are using AMD technology. Now we’re going on about a year and a half with this project and we’ve worked with the team at AMD. They’ve been extremely easy to work with whenever we pick up the phone and call they answer and they give us a solution anytime a school or a clinic has a problem. And the technology speaks for itself: it’s easy to use and whenever we do our education for our clinic schools or the community, it’s really something that they take to so we would absolutely recommend AMD technology

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