Optimizing your telemedicine workflow

by | Jul 13, 2017 | Blog

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“Telehealth platforms can help your staff capture each patient’s reason for the call or visit quickly, prioritize care delivery, suggest the best treatment guidelines, and identify additional information resources,” he told Health IT outcomes.

This gives clinicians the ability to use their time efficiently to serve more patients and provide the best quality care. To make this possible, consider these suggestions to optimize your telemedicine workflow:

Come up with a list of goals and develop a plan of action.Come up with a list of goals and develop a plan of action.

Develop a plan of action

Coming up with a proper plan of action can prepare your staff members for a seamless transition. Keep a checklist of your top priorities and assign deadlines based on what’s most important. Develop a timeline that revolves around making adjustments in the workflow on a daily basis before the system goes live. This can help to alleviate stress and make your staff members feel more comfortable about the new workflow when the telemedicine technology implementation is finalized.

Additionally, communicate with your staff members about the old processes to get a better idea of what needs to improve. This will help you create your timeline with realistic deadlines and plans of action.

Prepare your team members

Your staff members will feel more confident about the new workflow if they can prepare ahead of time. Reach out to your vendor for training assistance, as the organization will likely have an idea of how to prepare for the adjusted workflow, offering suggestions that cater to your facility’s specific needs. If everyone is properly prepared, the margin of error can decrease and you’ll be less likely to run into issues once the system goes live.

Analyze the new workflow regularly

After implementing your telehealth technologies, assess the adjusted workflow. Is the new sequence of processes setting your team members up for success, or is it weighing them down? Talk to your staff about the new workflow and be willing to adjust tasks accordingly. Flexibility will optimize the use of your telemedicine system and lead your team to success. Remember: The goal is to increase access to top quality care while optimizing the workflow for your staff members. Keep this in mind from the time you implement your new system, to the moment you go live and beyond.

With the help from AMD Global Telemedicine, your health care organization can choose easy-to-use, high-quality telehealth technology that improves patient access to care while optimizing your workflow. Specifically, our ExamFlowTM  product uses efficient management techniques to track patient flow, eliminate wait times and improve the overall workflow through real-time data analysis and reporting.  Let us provide your facility with the cutting-edge technology it needs to succeed.

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