Key technology trends that increase patient engagement

by | Nov 12, 2018 | Blog

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All health care providers can agree that providing the highest level of clinical care and ensuring patients have a satisfactory care experience leads into the success of their business.

As healthcare becomes more consumer driven, providers are utilizing virtual technologies to improve patient satisfaction and increase patient touch points, in order to enhance patient care. Technology has transformed the way patients and providers interact, which can change the entire care encounter.

Improved patient touch points means enhanced patient engagement which can lead to retention, timely access to care, better health outcomes and increased revenue. With the help of technology and digital advancements, your organization can ensure this happens. A direct-to-consumer patient portal encourages direct access to providers via auto and video communication for a clinical encounter.

Enhanced communication

Today, patients are looking for an easier way to reach physicians in times of need without setting aside time to schedule an appointment. Patient portals that enable a direct connection with a provider can instantly reduce the time it takes to communicate and secure appointments, and directly satisfy patient’s needs for on demand visits.

“Patient portals reduce the time it takes to communicate and secure appointments.”

Predictive intelligence

Utilizing technology to collect patient data, behavioral trends and other useful insights can help facilities create personalized messages that cater to the wants and needs of patients when it’s necessary. This will improve outreach, thus enhancing engagement and also increasing patient touch points. As artificial intelligence becomes more relevant and useful in healthcare, specifically in the telemedicine realm, predictive intelligence can be used in telehealth to improve care coordination, driving more care in the home to reduce hospital readmissions.

Telehealth technologies

Healthcare organizations around the world are increasing their patient touch points by leveraging telehealth because it provides a multifaceted approach to address complex patient demographics and dynamics. AMD Global Telemedicine provides a direct-to-consumer portal, encounter management software, telemedicine carts and systems, and specialized medical devices that are designed to help physicians and specialists provide care across the virtual care continuum.

As technology continues to prove its importance in the world of healthcare, health care providers can continue to implement digital tools like telehealth to increase touch points and keep patients satisfied. Learn more about how AMD Global Telemedicine can improve patient engagement for your facility today.

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