Guardian 24/7

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Customer Success, Physician Services

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About Guardian

Founded in 2007 by Dr. Sean O’Mara, who formerly served in the U.S. army and provided medical support to the President of the United States, Guardian 24/7 is a medical concierge boutique that provides clients access to what it describes as “presidential medicine.” Based in Leesburg, VA, the firm privatized the system of presidential medical care and makes use of telemedicine technologies to allow doctors to examine and treat patients who may be thousands of miles away.

“We aren’t trying to do away with emergency medical services, the kind that paramedics provide. We can provide for that vital 10- minute black hole, to make sure a person stays alive and doesn’t kill the heart tissue.

Potential clients respond to that appeal, he said. They don’t want to die, and they don’t want to have to go to a local emergency room for reassurance they are just have indigestion.”

Brian O’Mara,
Vice President of business development

Guardian 24/7 Making a Difference!

Whether President Obama is overseas, on the campaign trail or aboard Air Force One, a White House doctor is close at hand in case of a minor mishap — or a catastrophic event. Obama”s team of doctors act as his shadow, never more than a few feet away from him ready to provide him care if needed at any time. That same level of service is now available to private clients thanks to Guardian 24/7.

“Based upon our experience in the White House, we are very accustomed to providing care anywhere or anytime, regardless of the situation,” stated Dr. O”Mara.

Guardian strives to provide its clients care that is always convenient, discrete, and uncompromising in its clinical and service quality.

Telemedicine technology available today makes it possible for Guardian 24/7’s doctors to use products and software solutions from AMD Global Telemedicine in conjunction with reliable telecommunications options to provide the same level of service that is provided to the President and his Cabinet.

AMD’s Dispatch Case and medical devices were recently deployed by the Paul Chester Children’s Hope Foundation in Kenya. Pictured above is AMD’s Dispatch case and Digital Spirometer

The AMD telemedicine peripherals used by Guardian 24/7 make it possible for a doctor to diagnosis a patient as effectively as if they were in the same room, saving hours of time and anxiety for routine medical needs – and possibly saving a life in an emergency situation.

In January of 2011, Guardian 24/7 partnered with the Paul Chester Children’s Hope Foundation (PCCHF) to bring greater medical access to patients in Kenya. Beginning on January 21, 2011, as part of PCCHF’s medical mission to Africa, doctors on the ground in Kenya utilized Guardian 24/7’s innovative medical solution to connect with doctors in the U.S. — bringing Presidential-level medical care to the most vulnerable patients in rural locations. With the help of AMD’s Dispatch Case and medical peripherals, Guardian’s physicians were able to connect with PCCHF’s doctors and consult with patients in Kenya’s remote villages. The lightweight and compact AMD Dispatch Case made it incredibly easy to transport and allowed for use in multiple locations throughout Kenya.

Guardian’s service model is built around long-distance medical care, diagnosis and treatment with convenience as the primaryselling point, according to officials with the firm. With the majority of their affiliation with Guardian while healthy, they serve a number of demographics including those nearing retirement age who want and can afford to improve their medical care as they age.

Guardian 24/7 clientele is primarily individuals of high net worth. “For people with significant means, their time is extremely valuable,” explained Guardian’s Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Frye.

“The more we can make health care services available to them on their schedule, the more they value that, as opposed to dealing with the system created for the masses.”

Guardian currently has five primary care physicians on staff who have all provided emergency medical care and travel medicine service to the President, his family and staff.

Dr Robert Darling has served the medical needs of the President and other foreign dignitaries on Air Force One and within the White House. In 1996, Dr Darling became the first board certified emergency medical physician selected to serve the President as a White House Physician. In addition to caring for the President, Vice President, their families and other senior U.S. Government officials, Dr Darling traveled to over 40 countries throughout the world planning medical contingencies for both official presidential visits and vacations.

Dr William Lang has served as Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Homeland Security and served as Chief Operating Officer of the White House Medical Unit for eight years, responsible for all day-to-day world-wide operations. He was also responsible for the White House staff for coordination of emergency and urgent care services for the 5,000 people assigned to the White House and for the medical aspects of mass casualty, terrorism, pandemic and weapons of mass destruction planning and response within the White House complex.

Dr Sean O’Mara is the founder and president of Guardian 24/7 and inventor of several innovative medical devices. He was formerly a provider of contingency medical support to the President and other dignitaries while in the U.S. Army. Guardian 24/7 was conceptualized out of Dr O’Mara’s years of experience working with the White House, U.S. Secret Service and State Department to provide direct medical support to the President, senior U.S. officials and high-level foreign dignitaries. As an emergency medicine trained physician experienced in full-time practice, Dr O’Mara realized that stark contrast between medical precautions taken for foreign dignitaries and heads of state versus what was available to the private sector. This realization became the catalyst for Guardian 24/7.

According to Dr. O’Mara, “telemedicine is long overdue but rapidly upon us, and once physicians have gotten better acquainted with this model of providing health care, I’m confident they will quickly embrace it as not only more efficient but a better way of providing health care to patients.”

“AMD Global Telemedicine is honored to be Guardian 24/7’s equipment and software provider. Guardian’s commitment to the future of medicine, offering private citizens the ability to be remotely diagnosed, monitored and treated – virtually offering presidential caliber of care to its clients is exciting. Guardian has broken into a niche market that is certainly growing in the telemedicine industry,” stated AMD”s President, Steven Normandin.

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