Security Measures for Enterprise Telehealth: HIPAA and HITECH Compliance

by | Jun 30, 2019 | Webinars

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Archived Webinar – June 2019

As telehealth continues to grow, patient health information will be increasingly transmitted. This means patient data will be seen and accessed in more places than ever before.

A critical component of your telehealth program is understanding what certifications your telehealth platform should have, steps that should be taken for HIPAA/HITECH risk mitigation, and what general common-sense security and privacy policies are in place to reduce your organization’s risk.

So with this change, this webinar is intended to help you continue to protect your patient’s healthcare information as you increase your service offerings through telehealth.

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Discussion Topics:

  • Identify the key areas with telehealth that need to be addressed for HIPAA and HITECH compliance;
  • Understand what security measures are critical for the success of telehealth; and
  • Learn how to drive your expansion of service lines offerings through telehealth while mitigating risk.

Featured Presenters:

Ron Emerson, RN BSN

Global Director of Strategic Development

Brian L. Tuttle, CHP, CPHIT, CCNA, CBRA,

CISSP Chief Security Officer, eXstream Security

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