Caring with Heart Testimonial

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Video Testimonials

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hello i’m Bruce Pierce, vice president of the 501(c3) nonprofit Caring with Heart.
so one of the things that we’re doing with our non-profit is providing assistance in the Gambia which is a small western African nation with the
goal eventually to help other western African nations by bridging the gap and the quality and access to health care
in these nations they do not have the resources or the tools or even the clinical expertise in most instances to manage even what we deem here in the united states and western societies as low complex or simple medical diagnosis.
amd is allowing us to provide quality resources and equipment to these doctors in the Gambia via telemedicine that they can communicate with some of the doctors that we have in partnership here that are assisted with managing the care and providing you know additional help with some of the more moderate to high complex you know patients they have over there.
you know our goal is to provide your quality health care to everyone particularly those that are in need and don’t have access and AMD has been a fantastic resource in allowing us to provide and certainly bridge that gap with the the quality of care that is being delivered in these western African nations now so one thing in western Africa particularly the Gambia which is where we are right now it’s just the lack of
quality resources you know everything over there is outdated unreliable um you know working 50 of the time at best AMD has assisted us and is providing us with high quality products that we can rely on account on especially in an area of the world where internet connection and you  know cellular data can be spotty at best.
We’ve had no issues at all with the x-ray or ultrasound or even with obtaining vitals they can be streamed here in the United States and accessed live you know or have them saved and read later you know by our physicians over here that are assisted with the care and the doctors that are over there the support from AMD has been fantastic we get prompt responses with zoom calls or phone calls or your email whatever it is that we have a need they are working diligently to provide an answer to and provide support for when and if it’s needed the quality of products they have are fantastic and unparalleled even working in a underdeveloped country we’re thrilled to be able to provide you know quality resources and care to those that are in need and don’t have to access AMD has certainly helped with bridging that access to quality care for civilians in the Gambia of west Africa.


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