AMD president outlines many benefits of telemedicine

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Blog

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If you work in the healthcare industry, chances are you’ve heard a lot about telemedicine in recent years. What may have once seemed like a niche part of the industry now seems practically unavoidable, both in professional discussion and in practices.

With the growing popularity of telemedicine, you may be wondering, “What’s in it for me?” That’s the question that one news publication asked, and AMD Global Telemedicine president and founder Steve Normandin answered. As it turns out, there’s a lot of good that telemedicine can facilitate, from saving both patients and practices money to increasing the availability of doctors and nurses to underserved populations.

AMD president outlines many benefits

“Access to health care, especially specialist diagnosis and treatment, remains a critical problem throughout much of the world,” Normandin told Massachusetts news publication the Lowell Sun in an exclusive interview.

With this in mind, the services offered by telemedicine can help bridge those gaps. It’s not just an issue of providing medical care to rural communities or lower income communities, either – areas that may otherwise be completely cut off from health care can benefit. Normandin cited the example of a worker on an offshore oil rig who sustains an injury. In such a case, the only recourse is to call for a medical evacuation, which can be costly and waste valuable time. With telemedicine, however, it’s possible for these individuals to consult doctors and nurses face-to-face, just as they would in a hospital emergency room, without having to leave the rig. This can serve as an important extra step in determining the best course of action to take – one that can both save companies money and help save lives by providing valuable medical advice in emergency situations.

“Above all, the best part about telemedicine is that it puts the needs of the patient first.”

Telemedicine helps many

It isn’t just these isolated individuals who benefit greatly from the advances being made in telemedicine. Any instance where people are operating over a distance is a prime opportunity for telemedicine to make a huge impact. Another area Normandin noted telemedicine is gaining traction is with senior living communities and the elderly population. For many seniors living with chronic health conditions, regular appointments are necessary to help manage their illnesses. Telemedicine aids this significantly by allowing these people to consult with their physicians without having to leave their senior living community.

On the other end of the spectrum, telemedicine can be tremendously useful for pediatric specialty care as well. Telemedicine technology in school clinics can provide educational staff and nurses with access to specialty consultations in emergency situations. Similarly, children in rural or low-income areas that may not otherwise have access to pediatric specialists can now receive the same quality care they’d find in a metropolitan hospital right in their hometown. Telemedicine technology is accessible and simple, making it a significant value-add for your practice. Above all, the best part about telemedicine is that it puts the needs of the patient first.

To learn more about implementing a telemedicine program and to read up on telemedicine success stories, visit

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