AMD Global Telemedicine is on path to provide health-care to all

by | May 24, 2015 | In the News

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>> See demonstration of remote doc appointment

Article Source: Lowell Sun, written by Dan O’Brien,

CHELMSFORD — When it became evident nearly 20 years ago that the Internet would dramatically change the way the economy works, analysts offered several examples of sectors that would be affected. Among them were retail, banking and real estate.

Few cited medical care. But it’s a nearly billion-dollar business, and a private company nestled inside a brick, multi-tenant building on Route 129 has been progressing along that path for more than 20 years.

“Access to health care, especially specialist diagnosis and treatment, remains a critical problem throughout much of the world,” said Steve Normandin, founder and president of AMD Global Telemedicine Inc.

A trio of employees demonstrated for The Sun on-site how the technology works in the case of a patient visiting with his doctor, who is in a remote location. A nurse or medical assistant is on-site with the patient — it could be at work, school or even home — and takes instructions from the doctor, who appears on video on a telemedicine cart. Paperwork can be emailed back and forth, and the company’s AGNES Interactive software enables the doctor to “examine” the patient via video conference.

>> Watch the demo and interview

>> Read the full story

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