AMD Global Telemedicine Inc. and Convex Portugal to Improve Access to Care and Reduce Healthcare Spending though HealthPoint

by | Jul 30, 2010 | In the News

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AMD Global Telemedicine’s devices have been integrated in Convex’s new HealthPoint solution.

July 30, 2010, Chelmsford, MA –AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc., the worldwide leading supplier of telemedicine technologydevices, and application software for both dynamic encounters (live telemedicine) and deferred consultations, announced today that Convex Portugal has chosen AMD’s products to integrate into their HealthPoint solution.

Convex’s HealthPoint solution features a medical office prepared for remote clinical assistance and collaboration between primary care and specialized care.  AMD’s telemedicine peripherals including its Stethoscope, and Camera and Illumination system and diagnostic scope platform, will work in conjunction with HealthPoint to provide consultations in primary care, pediatrics, dermatology, cardiology, internal medicine and many other medical specialties. 

All the images taken with AMD’s medical peripherals are recorded in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format (DICOM) into a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS system) that links the patient’s demographic data to medical imaging. 

“HealthPoint has many benefits including the ability to provide remote medical and home medical assistance.  HealthPoint will also allow for primary and hospital care collaboration throughout Portugal, immediate clinical orientation and remote symptom analysis,” explained Marco Ferreira, adviser of the development area solutions and services on Convex.  “We estimate scenarios where in three years, HealthPoint can save up to $2 million just in travel expenses. This is a solution that is clearly profitable for the health system,” stressed Ferreira.

The first HealthPoint solution pilot was deployed on May 3, 2010 between a hospital and one health center.  Convex plans to deploy additional HealthPoint solutions in the near future to two hospitals and sixteen health centers.

During the initial phase of the HealthPoint role out, Convex is working with the Hospitals Local Health Unit of Northern Alentejo (ULSNA).  ULSNA provides healthcare assistance in a region with very low population density using two hospitals, sixteen health centers and more than seventy health extensions spread all over the region.

“AMD Global Telemedicine is honored to support Convex’s HealthPoint efforts to improve access to healthcare in rural parts of Portugal,” stated AMD President, Steven Normandin. “The cost savings and access to care that HealthPoint will provide offers tremendous boost in services available to those living in these areas.” 

About AMD Global Telemedicine

AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc. is a Telemedicine Encounter Management Systems company (TEMS™) and the worldwide leading supplier of telemedicine technology, devices, and application software for both dynamic encounters (live telemedicine) and deferred consultations. AMD offers the market’s preeminent diagnostic medical devices and tConsult™ Encounter Management Software that is equipped with device management, case creation, work flow and archival. AMD has over 5,700 installations in 79 countries and delivers solution design, turnkey installation, and training for telemedicine programs across the globe. For more information on AMD Global Telemedicine Inc., please visit, email, or call 866-440-3819.

About Convex

CONVEX is a Consultancy and Systems Integrator company, and one of the leading companies in Portugal developing services and solutions in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)With 20 years of experience and a broad portfolio of services/solutions in the area of ICT, CONVEX directs its activities to implement turn-key projects and the development of customizable applications, helping clients achieve ambitious business goals.  For more information on CONVEX, please visit To learn more about HealthPoint, please visit

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