AMD Global Telemedicine Announces New, Major Release and Enhancements to AGNES Interactive

by | Apr 13, 2017 | In the News

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AGNES Interactive Version 6.0 Delivers Third-Party Software-Based Video Conferencing Support with Vidyo Integration; Compiled Patient Assessment Reports; Universal EMR Integration; and Enhanced System Utilization Metrics.

Chelmsford, MA, April 13, 2017––AMD Global Telemedicine Inc. (AMD), the pioneer of clinical Telemedicine Encounter Management Solutions (TEMS) ®, announces their latest and sixth major enhancement release of AGNES Interactive software. The new release provides users with dramatically enhanced features and additional functionality that deepens third party integrations and expands collaboration between patients and healthcare providers.

AGNES Interactive is web-based telemedicine software that aggregates medical device data and shares it in real time with the remote physician(s). New features of AGNES Interactive include; integrated third-party video conferencing – utilizing Vidyo as its first use case; significantly enhanced system Utilization Reporting; and a universal mechanism for capturing and integrating all telemedicine encounter data with EMR systems.

“This latest release of AGNES Interactive truly does open up tremendous opportunities of enhanced integrations for telemedicine,” commented Eric Bacon, President of AMD Global Telemedicine. “It brings together telemedicine technology, software-based video conferencing and healthcare documentation (EMRs) into a single user experience,” continued Bacon.

VidyoWeb is accessed directly through AGNES Interactive, as a “Browser within a Browser” application. This provides users with all of the Vidyo features including multi-point video conferencing, single sign-on and remote PTZ camera controls, right inside the AGNES Interactive platform and interface.

The new Universal EMR filing feature is the next generation of AMD’s previously released HL7 integration capabilities. This new feature allows any EMR capable of importing PDF documents, to receive a compiled report detailing all data captured during patient assessment. In a single step, information from the telemedicine encounter is ready to be stored with the patient’s record.

The enhanced User and System Reporting capability allows deeper and more detailed information regarding system and user utilization that can be aggregated and compiled across to any other reporting platform.

AMD will feature AGNES Interactive version 6.0 in their booth (#2506) at the ATA tradeshow in Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, 2017. New customers who stay for the in-booth presentation of AGNES 6.0 will receive a 50% off coupon towards the purchase price of AGNES Interactive. For more information on AGNES Interactive or to learn what other new technologies AMD will be showing at ATA, visit or contact AMD Global Telemedicine at 978-937-9021.

About AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc.

AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc. (AMD) is the pioneer of Telemedicine Encounter Management Solutions (TEMS)® to over 9,000 patient end-points in more than 98 countries. Since 1991, AMD has led the development of clinical telemedicine as a way of bringing quality medical care to rural and underdeveloped areas around the world. AMD provides personalized telemedicine solutions pairing our telemedicine encounter management software technology with specialized medical devices and video communication technologies, in order to connect a patient with a remote clinical healthcare provider. For more information on AMD Global Telemedicine visit


Media Contact Information:
Keri Dostie
Director of Marketing
+1 (978) 937-9021 x316

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