Advantages of Telemedicine Technology

by | Feb 12, 2020 | Blog

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The adoption of telehealth has rapidly surpassed even the most modest estimates, and with it, an understanding of the advantages of telemedicine technology. A national study conducted by FAIR Health found that in the single year from 2016 to 2017, telehealth usage grew 53% across the U.S. While telehealth refers to a broad scope of remote health care delivery services, a major component is remote clinical services that are supported by telemedicine technology. With the continued adoption of telehealth usage in the future, it’s important to understand the advantages of telemedicine technology.

The advantages of telemedicine technology

The benefits of telemedicine can be seen across every aspect of the care continuum. While the application of telemedicine devices and technology can be used to achieve different goals, most healthcare organizations can benefit from:

Increased patient engagement: Engaging patients with their physical and mental health is easier when they feel like they have control over their healthcare. With technologies like patient portals, patients can be proactive with their health and be more inclined to consult a doctor if they can do so remotely.

Improved patient care: Telemedicine has the ability to improve the lives of many patients from providing consultations for urgent care to consistent remote long-term care from a primary care doctor. Integration with medical records mean it’s easier for clinicians to securely share patient data so they can make informed decisions quickly – cutting down on wasted time without sacrificing the quality of care.

Reduced healthcare costs: According to American Telemedicine Association, telehealth reduces the cost of healthcare by better managing chronic conditions, shared professional staffing, reduced travel times and fewer or shorter hospital stays. When patients are more engaged with their health and are provided with superior care, they’re healthier.

Providing remote patient care: Patients can skip the waiting room at a doctor’s office and reduce their travel time by connecting with specialists at a local telehealth facility. Whether that be at their workplace or a community clinic, healthcare providers can deliver quality care to more patients even at a distance.


The advantages of telemedicine are all used to promote a patient-centered approach to providing care


Telemedicine devices provide real-time diagnostics

The true benefit of a clinical telemedicine encounter is being able to accurately deliver real-time medical diagnostics between the patient exam site and the remote provider, which is made possible by the integration of telemedicine devices and technologies. Everyone involved in the care continuum must be comfortable interacting with telemedicine equipment and digital technologies for the true benefits of the technology to be reaped. 

Luckily, another advantage of telemedicine technology is its ease of use and ability to fit well within an existing clinical workflow. Healthcare IT News found that healthcare organizations that implement telehealth programs can simplify their technology footprint with telemedicine devices. These digital tools are increasingly being designed with the user experience in mind while the software platforms aim to make a telemedicine encounter simple and easy to navigate.

Diagnostic telemedicine technologies are easy to use, can simplify a healthcare organization’s workflow and provides real-time clinical data to help deliver care and information from a a distance that is both secure and efficient. Telemedicine devices allow for a seamless flow of information and communication throughout the care continuum to the benefit of both the patient and healthcare provider.

Work with the experts in telemedicine technology

The only disadvantages of telemedicine are it’s sometimes complicated methods of implementation and the high cost of getting it wrong. The best way to avoid these mishaps and overcome the learning curve that is natural with deploying new technology is by working with experts in the telemedicine and telehealth industry.

AMD Global Telemedicine has been helping healthcare organizations implement telemedicine for over two decades, so your facility can rest assured that you’ll receive the assistance needed to choose, deploy and sustain your telemedicine program. From cutting edge encounter management software to versatile digital tools, we can help you achieve your goals in the healthcare workspace. For more information, contact us today.

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